Justice For Jeremiah - Media

Various media outlets worldwide have joined the fight to get Justice for Jeremiah.

Mother seeks to reopen case into son's mysterious death

Erica Duggan wants a new inquiry over death of her son, whose body was found after he allegedly attended the meeting of an antisemitic conspiracy group 

    Erica Duggan (Photo: Daniel Easterman)
    Erica Duggan (Photo: Daniel Easterman) 

    The London mother who has spent 16 years fighting a shadowy antisemitic conspiracy group over her son’s death is pushing to have the case reopened in Germany after a Wiesbaden court announced it was closing its inquiry.

    Jeremiah Duggan was a 23-year-old British Jewish student whose body was found by the side of a motorway in Wiesbaden, Germany, on March 27, 2003. 

    Erica Duggan, his mother, had spoken to him 25 minutes earlier in a troubling conversation in which Jeremiah told her he was frightened and needed help to leave.

    German police insisted that Jeremiah had committed suicide, running onto the motorway where he was struck by cars, but the Duggan family never accepted this. They believe that he was murdered — and that the Lyndon LaRouche far-right political organisation, long said to be profoundly antisemitic — played a part in his death, to the point of persuading people not to speak or give evidence. 

    Jeremiah Duggan: family waiting
    Jeremiah Duggan: family waiting 

    Ms Duggan, a South African-born former schoolteacher living in Golders Green, has tried almost every legal avenue open to her to discover what really happened to Jeremiah in 2003. And this month, with the death of Lyndon LaRouche himself, aged 96, she hopes that the organisation he headed will be weakened and that some key witnesses will finally admit that they lied about Jeremiah’s whereabouts.

    He was studying in Paris when he was persuaded by a LaRouche recruiter to come with him to Wiesbaden and attend a conference supposedly aimed at promoting world peace. But Mrs Duggan says that Jeremiah identified himself as both British and Jewish, and from then on she believes his life was in danger.

    Since his death she has succeeded in getting the Barnet coroner to hold an inquest into what happened, although this did not go exactly as she had hoped: the coroner cast doubt on some of the German authorities’ findings, but did not make a definitive pronouncement on what had happened.

    The case has been raised in the European Parliament, and in 2008 new information emerged that Jeremiah had been subjected to hurt and some suspects were named. In 2012, says Mrs Duggan, “we had a very good verdict from the German Higher Court (OLG, the equivalent of England’s High Court), which pretty much tore the Wiesbaden authorities apart. The OLG instructed the Wiesbaden police to investigate properly the circumstances surrounding Jeremiah’s death”.

    But, she says, in six years almost nothing happened. She herself was not questioned and at the end of December last year the Wiesbaden inquiry wrote to her to say that they were closing the case.

    Now her German lawyer, Serdar Kaya, has submitted a 160-page objection to the closing of the case and the family is keenly hoping it will be re-opened. Erica Duggan believes Jeremiah was in the Lyndon LaRouche offices in Wiesbaden just before his death.

    Of her 16-year-long campaign, she says: “I am doing it for my son, but I am also doing because it is so horrific that in today’s Germany there is an organisation like LaRouche that the authorities do not want to look into. A young British Jewish man was killed in the wake of his involvement with an antisemitic conspiracy organisation.”

    Erica Duggan is also now planning to approach the outgoing German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to ask for her help. 

A selection of Articles and video are below.



Mother fears her student son died on German motorway after being 'mentally tortured by extremist right wing cult' 

  • Jeremiah Duggan, 22, killed himself in 2003, the German authorities said
  • Sorbonne student travelled from France to Germany for Iraq war protest 
  • Mother Erica believes he was 'mentally' tortured by a far-right group before he died 
  • Mrs Duggan believes right-wing group targeted him because he was Jewish
  • She has fought for a new inquest for her son, which will be held next year

A mother of a student whose body was found on a motorway in Germany 12 years ago believes he was tortured by a right wing cult in the days before his death.
Erica Duggan says her 22-year-old son Jeremiah, from north London, died after attending a youth event organised by the far-right 'cult'.
The German police concluded that his death was 'a suicide by means of a traffic accident'.
But the Jewish student's family have never accepted that ruling and in May 2010 the High Court ordered a fresh UK inquest after judges said evidence of possible foul play must be investigated.
Today it was announced the inquest will start next March. 
Campaign: Jeremiah Duggan, 22, was found dead on a German motorway in 2003 in an apparent suicide but his mother Erica has successfully fought for a new inquest
Jeremiah, a student at the British institute and the Sorbonne, went from France to Weisbaden in Germany to join what he believed was a protest against the war in Iraq. 

His mother believes Jeremiah began to be aware and criticise the virulent anti-Semitic views of the group. 
Mrs Duggan struggled to hold back tears as she told a pre-inquest hearing what she had learned about the 'dangerous' techniques used by groups like these to control their members, and the unwillingness of the German investigators to look into it.
Jeremiah, a student at the British institute and the Sorbonne, went from France to Germany and was staying in this apartment block Weisbaden before he died
She told North London Coroners Court: 'In the past 11 years there has been an unwillingness to look at the danger that can cause an innocent person like Jeremiah to become a victim. This is a danger I was ignorant of.
'There has been an unwillingness to look at what the danger is. This is the danger that leads to extremism, which is particularly common today, the danger that leads young people to become suicide bombers and destroys communities
'This is what is called in France mental manipulation and subjugation, and which with the rise of social media and new techniques becomes very dangerous.
'Trying to find out what happened to Jeremiah might help people shake off this fear and its different forms.
'There has been an unwillingness to look into the psychological harm caused to him.' 
During the hearing, she also accused the German investigators of 'time wasting' in order to ensure the case was not properly investigated.
She said she had asked repeatedly for Germany to send a mutual aid request to France to allow the courts to access evidence into Jeremiah's death, but during a recent visit to France she discovered the requests had not been received.
She said: 'There has been terrible time wasting. The case started in France, there is a law in France, Picard's Law, which makes what happened to Jeremiah in terms of the mental manipulation a crime.
'I spoke to the highest French authorities to see if they had received the mutual aid request from Germany, they had heard nothing.
'They are hoping to delay the inquest by dragging the investigation on. The same person who destroyed evidence in the first investigation is holding this one up.'
Coroner Andrew Walker ruled there was enough evidence for an inquest to be carried out and set a date for March 17 next year.
Tragedy: Mr Duggan died in Germany in 2003 and was found here on Route 455, the Bundestrasse, near Weisbaden
He said: 'I have no doubt the inquest should proceed. But I am not here to investigate the investigators. I am here to determine the circumstances behind Jeremiah Duggan's death.'
Mrs Duggan expressed her relief that, after nearly 15 years since her son died, she might finally have answers.
She told the court: 'This inquest will expose the dangers of what happened to Jeremiah and will mean his family won't have to go on struggling and will allow his family to come to terms with his death.'
After the hearing she added the German legal system was 'broken'.
She said: 'It is clear his death has not been investigated. In my view Germany's higher court has no method of ensuring the investigation will be carried out.
'I am glad the inquest will be held and the time has come to expose the danger he faced.'
Speaking after the hearing she claimed: 'My son was subjected to sleep deprivation, mental manipulation and other coercive techniques. I have evidence Jeremiah was subjected to that from his lecture notes and briefings.' 



Ham and High

Family fight for answers nine years after son Jeremiah Duggan’s death


         -   Did cult murder my boy? - Apr 1 2010

          -   Parents hope for justice - Mar 30 2010 


- Fascist Cult 'may have killed Jewish student'  21st May 2010

Totally Jewish

 - Police to open Duggan Inquiry 24th June 2010

CHANNEL4                                                             Link to Lost Abroad documentary

Channel 4 film

BBC Newsnight Video from Feb 2004

Part One

Part 2

Part 3

StarSailor Song


Jeremiah was dealt his hand
Went off to another land this evening
For to find some inner peace
And to see a better way of living

He only went to try to change something
His poor young life was pulled from under him

Found him by the motorway
Jeremiah ran away from something
Jeremiah's mother wept
For the answers they had left behind them

He only went to try and change something
His poor young life was pulled from under him

And everytime I see the sun go down I think of you
The polizei I have swept it out of sight
There's nothing new
And everytime I see the sun go down I think of you
I hope someday someone will feel the need to tell the truth
Little one do not fear
The ways of the world
Will soon be clear


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