Justice For Jeremiah

Press Conference


Justice for Jeremiah?”


Date: Tuesday, 30 June 2015 at 13.00


Location: Chamber of Solicitors: Serdar Kaya &Christian Noll

Meinekestrasse 7

10719 Berlin. Germany.


A meeting is to be held to discuss the verdict of the recent British Inquest into the suspicious death of Jeremiah Duggan and to discuss what should be the outcome of the findings that were revealed.


Hans-Christian Ströbele, German Politician for the Green party (parliamentary duties allowing) will address the wider issues this case rises.  Ursula Caberta, former politician and State Official for Hamburg and expert on Cults will draw attention to the dangers of political cults.


The lawyers for the Duggan family will reveal their future plans to support the efforts of Erica Duggan to get a proper, independent and far reaching investigation into her son’s death.


After years of legal action in 2012 an extremely rare court order by the Frankfurt High Court ( OLG- Oberlandsgericht) verdict was critical of the way the death had not been properly investigated. Despite this verdict, the Wiesbaden Prosecution office contacted the self same police detective who was responsible for the case in 2003, despite his destroying vital evidence in the beginning. He was then appointed, despite legal complaints being made.


    The Duggan family’s lawyers will make public their letter urging the Wiesbaden Prosecutor to take into account the findings of the British Inquest and as a matter of urgency instigate a wide-ranging, unbiased investigation.

    Hans-Christian Ströbele and Ursula Caberta will speak.

    Erica Duggan will outline the obstacles faced during her 12 year campaign to achieve a proper investigation. She will give a report on the scope covered by the British Inquest and what was revealed about Jeremiah being under attack. This will include reports on the LaRouche cult and how it posed a threat to Jeremiah and his safety. 


      How the difficulties that the families in the NSU cases have experienced has also been experienced by the Duggan family.  There is a lack of any workable mechanism for an independent police complaints commission in Germany. This can clearly be shown in the respect of the failure to properly investigate the death of Jeremiah. How the problems of institutional failure persists to this day.

    Questions will be raised about why a political cult with its European headquarters in Wiesbaden, that carries responsibility for inciting hatred and spreading anti-Semitic and anti-British conspiracy theories throughout the world, is apparently granted immunity by the German state.

    The difficulties arising in dealing with cases like this that concern different countries, where preserving diplomatic relations come before the interest of Truth and Justice will be discussed.


written by Erica Duggan; for more information contact her at :  justiceforjeremiah@gmail.com

www. Justiceforjeremiah.com  and LaRouche-danger.com  The Family are represented in Germany by :

Serdar Kaya and Christian Noll:  0049 30 62 72 96 62

mail@kanzlei-kaya.de, mail@christian-noll.de


Please confirm if you wish to attend and to reserve a headset for simultaneous translation German/ English so that these can be made available. 



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