Justice For Jeremiah - About Jerry

  His Life | The night of his death | A life in pictures and words | Tributes from friends


by Jeremiah Duggan age 9

A poem Jerry wrote for the Children's Shabbat Service. It clearly portrays how from a young age he was resolute in his search to lead a life that was good and honest. This was at the heart of his character:




The world would be perfect
if only everyone was honest and truthful,
But this is not the case
Although there are many
sincere people who we
can trust and stand by
Their honest word.

Sometimes you must be brave to tell the truth
And this is where most people take the "easy road"

Sometimes people are tempted to say things
They do not really
Believe in because they want to be liked and

Each day people are swindled
by others being insincere.
So Lord keep my tongue from causing harm
to others and my lips from
telling lies. Let me be
Truthful so that others
Can trust me.


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