Report on meeting:
27th March 2009 in Wiesbaden
Breaking the silence
Hugo Duggan (4th from the left) and Erica Duggan (6th from left) with friends of Jeremiah and the ex member Yves Messer (far right)
Six years ago on the 27th March 2003 Jeremiah Duggan, a 22 year old British student died in Hessen Germany. To mark this sad day and to raise awareness about the need for a full investigation of the circumstances surrounding Jeremiah’s death and to protect others from dangers, the family and friends of Jeremiah travelled to Wiesbaden to stage a series of events. There was a memorial walk through Wiesbaden to the spot five and a half kilometers outside the town to the spot where Jeremiah’s body was found. Banners were held high reading: “Why did Jeremiah die here? And Justice for Jeremiah.”
Following the early morning walk supporters stood in a
crowded area
of Wiesbaden distributing leaflets and inviting people to
the meeting to “break the silence” to be held in the
conference room of the Plaza Hotel. Members of the public
who gathered
in the street were shocked to hear from Jeremiah’s family
and friends about what had happened in their home town.
They appeared
to know little if anything about Bueso or the LaRouche
youth organization.
Wiesbaden citizens showed their concern by attending the
that was held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel afterwards. These
said they wanted to know more about how this organization
is headed by Lyndon LaRouche, a USA convicted criminal
sent to prison
because he directed, oversaw and profited from a criminal
could be allowed to come to Germany to continue working
here with
young people.
Many people did not know that Lyndon LaRouche works
together with
his German wife Helga Zepp and drafts to the area of
Hessen young
people from all over the world to train as militants . The
with whom the supporters spoke were shocked to learn that
In Germany
and in many parts of the world the LaRouche youth movement
outside Universities and persuade young people to abandon
studies and their families and work full time for them.
At the conference the silence was broken when families and
ex members
revealed the truth about the dangers of the LaRouche
network. Ursula
Caberta, state advisor for Sects from the State of Hamburg
was ill
and not able to be present but sent a message of support
to all
the families . Hugo Duggan called for there to be a
of the silence” and that meant uncovering why Jeremiah
. Families from France and Germany described the trauma
for a family
when their children are damaged and lost to them by the
of this LaRouche sect. Families agreed that when their
sons and
daughters joined the LaRouche youth movement they
experienced “a
loss like a living death of one’s child.” All families
described how they were intimidated into silence through
the fear
that if they spoke out they would lose the little contact
they had
with their children. This process at work involved
subjugation and
deception and was proof enough of how this is a
destructive cult.
For this reason families joined together to appeal for a
full enquiry
into the dangers faced by Jeremiah six years ago and was
to protect others. However Erica Duggan appealed to ex
members and
families saying that there were ways of “breaking the
and that if that had been done before perhaps Jeremiah
would be
alive today. Families agreed that Justice for Jeremiah was
for all.
The purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness that the
organization in the USA and Germany is one and the same
run as one by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. Ex member Aglaya
Corleis, herself a resident of Wiesbaden and author of a
book on
the Cult explained how for the last 30 years Wiesbaden is
the centre
for Europe. Dr Matthew Feldman, Senior History lecturer
College revealed how the dissemination of anti-Semitic
is even more dangerous when it takes on the coded form
evident in
the propaganda of the LaRouche organization. He was
supported by
all members of the family and ex members panel who called
upon the
German authorities to take action to fully enquire into
all possible
dangers. The families described how their sons and
daughters were
idealistic young people who were trapped in a dangerous
web where
they were misled with fraudulent conspiracies and how they
manipulated so that their capacities to detect the coded
went undetected. The young people suffer long hours of
work with
little payment in the mistaken belief that they are
the world when in reality they are only serving the ends
of the
LaRouche leaders who appear to be well connected and
A letter of support from Simon Hughes MP for the British
was read at the meeting and messages of support were sent
from Professor
Wieskirchen (SPD) and Herr Stroebele ( Greens) who deeply
they were unable to attend. The Deputy Consul of France
came from
Frankfurt to give support to the number of French families
at the meeting and to learn more.
It is not known if there is any state advisors for sects
in Hessen
but it was learnt from one source that the church sect
for the Hessen area do not cover political cults.
Therefore there
appears to be little support for families who suffer from
the activities
of political youth cults in Hessen. An answer to the
to attend the meeting from the mayor of Wiesbaden has not
yet been
received. The meeting concluded with an appeal to the good
of Hessen to do more to expose the dangers of a
totalitarian youth
sect and to campaign for Justice for Jeremiah and in that
way ensure
that there is public scrutiny of the death of a young
student who
came as an innocent visitor to the town when the reality
was he
was being targeted for recruitment by a destructive sect
throughout the world anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Press releases:
Statement sent by Chip Berlet (political analyst in the USA)
"The LaRouche organization is currently the world’s largest distributor of literature based on ‘coded anti-Semitism,' rooted in the false allegation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Furthermore, evidence of systematic incitement to hatred against the British and worldwide Jewry in LaRouche publications which started in the 1970’s continues unfettered to this day. Through their prime publishing outlets in Wiesbaden, the LaRouche group in Germany is responsible for spreading worldwide propaganda, much of which is based on anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. "
CHIP BERLET, the senior analyst at Political Research Associates in Somerville, MA, who has tracked the LaRouche sect’s activities for over 30 years and has written dozens of articles and special reports on them.
Press statement by Dennis King - author of Lyndon LaRouche the new American Fascism.
"LaRouche’s doctrines express a mixture of hate and scorn, thinly-veiled euphemisms and conspiracy theories involving Jewish banking families. The method used is to build up prominent Jews as symbolic hate figures, developing new forms of ‘blood libel,' and the concoction of the myth of an evil ‘oligarchy’ also known as the ‘Zionist-British organism,' the ‘Venetian party’ or simply ‘the British.’ This ‘oligarchy’ is the target of the LaRouche organization’s most violent abuse, naming them as utterly evil and parasitical. Thus we see how anti-Semitism lies at the core of their belief system.”
DENNIS KING, author of the critically acclaimed "Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism".
Erica and Hugo Duggan then together with friends of Jeremiah returned to the streets of Wiesbaden for the second time to speak directly to the people of the town and appeal to them to use their democratic rights to campaign for Justice for Jeremiah and to ask them not to turn a blind eye to how families all over the world continue to be destroyed when the young people are sent to be trained in the Hessen area.
Click here.for the More4 News report on the Justice for Jeremiah campaign in Wiesbaden. The video of this coverage is on the media page.