The Inquest opened on Tuesday 22nd June, 2010 into the unexplained death in Germany in 2003 of the young British College student Jeremiah Duggan studying in Paris who was lured to Germany by members of an extremist group that is known to incite hatred against the British and the Jews. After five days of attending the conference, organized by the convicted USA fraudster Lyndon LaRouche, Jeremiah called home in terror for his life. Within the hour his dead body was found along the motorway but the German Police closed the case without any witness statements being taken.
For seven years the Duggan family have campaigned for Justice for their son after evidence raised serious suspicions about the way Jeremiah was killed.
The battle to get an investigation has taken place in two countries with a ruling in May 2010 by two Judges of the High Court that a new Inquest was merited to establish whether or not foul play was involved.
Mr Walker, the Her Majesty’s North London Coroner who said he had read the verdict from the High decided that all the files should be handed over to the British murder squad so that the police could properly investigate. He said: “I don’t see how any other approach could be taken. There needs to be a proper investigation by the police and then any necessary steps taken after.” Mr Walker added that “It would be helpful if the material held by the family was delivered to the police.” The Coroner will consider writing a report if required to the relevant authorities once the investigations are completed and the public Hearing held.
Neil Sheldon , the family’s barrister said: “It is a live possibility Jeremiah was killed as a result of foul play by either individuals acting on their own or at the behest of an organization that was running the event at the time."
Erica Duggan has received an extensive amount of information that suggests that the LaRouche organization who organized the events in Germany, is a threat to the individual and a danger to the State. The hate crimes can be seen on
She states: “From the beginning the LaRouche organization has misled the police and sought to destroy and obstruct a proper investigation. I learnt that they appointed the legal firm of Lewis Silkin to represent them and applied to be an “Interested party” at the Inquest. I welcome the fact that the Coroner will be writing to them to explain their rights as we have nothing to hide and we support the intentions of the Coroner to hold a fair and open Inquest. I am still waiting for those people last with my son to come forward and tell me what happened. I am still waiting for Lyndon LaRouche to take back the lies he has spread about me and my dead son and I am still waiting to know why Ortrum Cramer, the Managererss of the LaRouche Schiller Institute had my son’s blood stained passport!”
Every since Erica Duggan was awarded a new Inquest Lyndon LaRouche has intensified his long standing declared war on the British state naming them as the enemy. Mr Sheldon read out a quote from Mr Jon Benjamin, the Executive Director of the British Board of Jews in support of a full investigation of Jeremiah’s death as it had significance for the wider Jewish community.
Mr Sheldon pointed out that it would be necessary to investigate how far the hate crimes of Lyndon LaRouche related to the statement made by a witness that Jeremiah being British and a Jew had been seen as the enemy and hit and hunted down. Further information submitted to the Coroner from a protected witness alleges that Jeremiah was in the offices of the LaRouche Press Agency the Executive Intelligence Review prior to his death and not in the flat in Wiesbaden as alleged by the LaRouchites. The body was found near to these offices.
The Inquest will hold further meetings with the British police as the investigation gets underway.
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For more information go on hate crimes and La Rouche, please visit: