Justice for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah Duggan was 22 years old and a bright young man on the threshold of his life studying both at the British Institute and the Sorbonne in Paris He had fallen in love with a music student Maya and was full of plans were made for his future.
Then one day when going to his University in Paris he encountered an older man selling a newspaper outside his college. This man was working for the organization Nouvelle Solidarite , a political party attached to the International Political Network headed by the convicted Fraudster and USA cult leader Lyndon LaRouche.
This specially trained recruiter Benoit Chalifoux told Jeremiah that the Iraq War was really the beginning of a third World War and unless he came with him to a forthcoming political event and made a protest against the War that was about to start he would be in a way complicit in letting the world be under the threat of nuclear destruction. Jerry agreed to go with him and find out more.
Jeremiah never joined the LaRouche organization – in fact when he got to the event which was in Germany and a long way from all the people he knew he asked more questions than anyone else, even voicing his disagreement with some of the things said. For example when he heard people blaming the Jews for the Iraq War and in fact all the troubles in the world Jeremiah spoke out saying: “But I am a Jew”
Then after being at the LaRouche event for only five days he suddenly on the night of the 27th March rang home calling out that he was in danger and begging his mother to rescue him that very minute.
Shortly after this last phone call to his mother his dead body was found on the side of the road, many miles out of the town of Wiesbaden. The police closed the investigations on the spot declaring it suicide and therefore not meriting further enquiries. They decided Jeremiah had tried to commit suicide by throwing himself in front of cars despite the fact there had been no medical examination of any kind to establish cause of death.
The drivers of the cars that had allegedly hit Jeremiah were allowed to leave the scene before the investigating officer arrived and although a doctor came to the scene and declared that Jeremiah was dead she merely testified he was dead and wrote that there should be a post mortem and that it was questionable that Jeremiah was run over.
The authorities ignored the recommendation for a post mortem and failed to take any recorded legal witness statements. A false document was drawn up stating that a doctor had examined the undressed body and someone – we have evidence it was the investigating officer took off the clothes of the deceased and took photographs writing that a post mortem had taken place when it had not.
The clothes of the deceased were immediately destroyed and not available for the parents when they asked for them. These clothes were key evidence in establishing cause of death as they could show whether or not Jeremiah was run over.
The Duggan family rushed to Wiesbaden but their requests for a post mortem and a full investigation fell upon deaf ears. The German investigating officer told them that the Manageress of the LaRouche organisation called Ortrum Cramer who also happened to have the blood stained passport of Jeremiah, that that Jeremiah was a mental patient in the Tavistock clinic and had a history of attempted suicide attempts. Cramer was accompanied by the LaRouche leader Jonathan Tennenbaum and the Leader of the LaRouche French Youth Movement Elodie Viennot and French LaRouche recruit Sebastien Drochon. All that they said was accepted by the German police without any notice being taken of what the Duggan family or Jeremiah's girlfriend had said about the urgent phone calls received in the last few hours of Jeremiah's life. The Duggans asked to speak to the last people with Jeremiah but the police replied that they knew these people had left the country at that very hour when the parents arrived in Germany. The police said the case was closed so they could not stop them from leaving but they could arrange for the Duggans to speak to the leaders of the LaRouche group. Thus the LaRouche Organization who ever since claimed they had nothing to do with Jeremiah's death set themselves up as the spokespeople for the people who may well have been involved in the circumstances of his death.
At the first Inquest held in 2003 the Coroner made a clear and strong conclusion that there was no evidence that this was suicide but that Jeremiah died in a state of terror. When Erica spoke to the British pathologist Dr Shove who had performed the non forensic post mortem he told her that on his written report there were no signs that he had seen that Jeremiah had been run over by cars. He said that Jeremiah had died after being severely beaten around the head.
For seven years Erica Duggan has had to be her own child’s death investigator. She obtained 79 colour photographs of the crash and employed investigators and experts who raised flaws in how Jeremiah was said to have died. A legal complaint was registered against the failure to investigate and as this proceeded through the German Courts it reached the Constitutional Court but without success. There have been huge difficulties with language problems and the expense of hiring German lawyers. The authorities still refused to investigate. In August 2010 the application against the German State for a violation of Human Rights has been registered. This is based on the evidence that the family cannot do the work of the police and that unless this death is properly investigated other lives are in danger from this happening again
In a British Documentary shown on Channel 4 in April it was stated by the Wiesbaden Prosecutor that it is no concern to their offices what were the circumstances leading to Jeremiah’s death nor is it of any concern of their offices to give Erica Duggan any rights as to finding out more about what led to her son’s death.
Erica Duggan says: “For seven years I have tried to find out what happened to Jerry and the German authorities disregard every suspicion or key evidence that is presented to them. They dismiss me as a grieving mother while at the same time have allowed the LaRouche Press to publish horrific lies about me, the British, my son and the Jewish people. Even though the Manageress of the LaRouche Organization had my son’s bloodstained passport they close all doors.”
It was not until January this year that the Attorney General wrote to apologise to the family for the failures to investigate this death and gave the Duggan’s permission to launch a High Court claim for a fresh inquest and Erica Duggan did just that, winning a quashing order in May 2010.
Jeremiah was hunted down, hit and seen as the enemy.
New evidence submitted to the Courts included statements from witnesses suggesting that Jeremiah was seen as the enemy and a spy and that he was hit, and hunted down. Another protected witness gave the information that Jeremiah was in the offices of the LaRouche Press Agency the Executive Intelligence Review and not as claimed in a flat in Wiesbaden, owned by the Head of the LaRouche Intelligence.
When the fresh Inquest was opened on Tuesday 22nd June 2010 Neil Sheldon, the representative barrister, part of the legal team to include Jeremiah Hyam, barrister, Human Rights solicitor Frances Swaine at Leigh Day and Co, told the Coroner: “Underlying this inquest are very serious potential allegations of wrongdoing – that Jeremiah was killed as a result of foul play by individuals acting on their own or under the behest of the organisation that is running the event.
“ There is also the question of whether Jeremiah was subject to a sustained psychological attack prior to his death and whether that caused him to act completely out of character or be careless of his surroundings.”
Lyndon LaRouche has through the firm of Lewis Silkin applied to be an interested party. It is not known his future plans.
Evidence submitted to the Court referred to the hate crimes of the Lyndon LaRouche network and and seen on www. LaRouche-Danger.com. These refer to how the LaRouche organization “ has a history of violence, criminality and alliances with criminals and human rights violators, as well as a pattern of menacing behaviour and psychological terror tactics towards its perceived opponents in the media, the courts and the political arena. “ The researchers Dennis King who has written the Book: “Lyndon LaRouche The new American Fascism” has written to the Coroner warning him that he has the evidence that Lyndon LaRouche has a history of consorting with violent people around the world: Ku Klux Klan members, Latin American death squad organizers and coup leaders, organized –crime figures, drug traffickers – and genocidal dictators.
Lyndon LaRouche has recently made a visit to Germany where he has intensified his statements about how he is at war with Britain and unless the murderers are eliminated, destroyed, kicked out the world will be doomed. Britain is the evil empire bent on destroying the world. It has to be stopped or we will all be destroyed. It’s all there in his speeches and articles.
All the efforts of Erica Duggan to find out what happened to the son she loved have intensified the worldwide media coverage of how the LaRouche network with its international spread poses a threat to the individual and a danger to the State. This has meant that academic research has begun which shows how this small but deeply insidious international force has contributed through their anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to stir up more hatred against the Jews and the British.
Erica Duggan: “ For more than 30 years Lyndon LaRouche who is a convicted fraudster has got away with using Jewish people as scape goats for his fostering of hate. His deeply offensive cartoons of Jews being vermin, cockroaches and pigs makes many Jewish people feel threatened and insecure and it is regrettable that there is a tendency to not ignore things because they are unpleasant thinking it will go away when in reality the youth movement of LaRouche in Europe is becoming more harmful. The worst is when people dismiss Lyndon LaRouche as a joke.
For me LaRouche is no joke – my son died and if people had spoken out I am convinced my son would be alive today. That is why when the Coroner Mr Walker told the Court that he would be carrying out a far reaching enquiry and issuing a report on his findings I felt at last we have a Judge who will be fearless and strive not to be compromised by anyone. Perhaps other young men and women will be safer as a result.”
July 2010 The Coroner handed over the files to the Murder Squad of the British police with the request that they make further enquiries. The case is still open in Germany but the authorities there prefer to do nothing. German Government Departments and the Federal Police use the LaRouche printing firm. There is documentation to suggest that the LaRouche have supplied the State with Intelligence and that they are involved in different projects connected to Nuclear energy and also weapon development.
Even when Lyndon LaRouche was released early from prison for his crimes he was allowed to be on probation and come to Germany to address hundreds of people with his hate mongering speeches. His network has never been monitored in Germany. Erica Duggan has worked in Germany with others to expose the dangers of the LaRouche network that spreads its destructive propaganda worldwide being recorded as the major supplier of coded anti-Semitism in the Encyclopaedia Judaica.
Jon Benjamin, the Chief Executive of the Board of Deputies of British
Jews said:
“The opening of the inquest marks an important step in an issue that continues
to not only be a source of deep distress and anguish to Jeremiah’s family, but
of great concern to the Jewish community and beyond. Jeremiah’s tragic death
poses many questions for the German authorities which they must address; but also because of the
shadowy activites of the LaRouche Foundation and its methods and activities “
Rabbi Danny Rich, Chief Executive of Liberal Judaism UK states:
“,there are many members of the British Jewish community and beyond who believe that the circumstances of Jerry’s death have not been properly investigated and that there are questions which have yet to be answered by the German authorities in whose jurisdiction Jerry met his death.
Jerry was a British citizen and a Jew who apparently found himself in the clutches of a rabidly anti-Semitic and anti-British La Rouche Foundation which recruits students and vulnerable young people outside campuses on the European Continent. “
Erica Duggan added: “My son who I loved so much was an innocent caught up with a dangerous group that even now in Modern day Germany carries on with pernicious hate mongering endangering all our lives.”
It is important for all of us that British people and Jewish people are not the targets of such hate and so I will pursue Justice in order to find out what led to the death of my son.”
More information on www.justiceforjeremiah.com
Also LaRouche-danger.com See section on Hate Crimes and section on LaRouche obstruction to Justice.
Incitement of Hatred against the
British - see the shocking evidence
Hear the extract starting at 37 minutes into the interview between LaRouche speaking from Frankfurt Germany to his Press Officers in the USA: Transcript of the speech given in Frankfurt by Lyndon LaRouche and his interviewers. Weekly update June 11 2010
- "The British are far more evil than Adolf Hitler" "The "British", according to LaRouche are trying to destroy the U.S. from within via its agents: the “Jewish/Zionist lobby”.
- LaRouche:"We're going to shut down British Empire! Which, as I described it, is the source of 9/11'"
- HATRED: LaRouche's 'Enemies' ''The British'' America must be cleansed for its righteous war by the immediate elimination of the Nazi Jewish Lobby and other British agents from the councils of government, industry, and labor." From "A War-winning Strategy", Editorial, New Solidarity, March 1978
LAROUCHE MAKES A SPEECH IN GERMANY DEFAMING ERICA DUGGAN AND ACCUSING JEREMIAH OF BEING A SUICIDE CASE ON DRUGS! never mind we had 3 bloodtests and no drugs seen - also no history in all his medical history of suicide or drugs.
Justice for Jeremiah.
HMS Coroner calls in British Police to take up the files and investigate.
On the 22 nd May 2010 the North London Coroner Mr Andrew Walker quashed the previous inquest and declared that a new Inquest into the death of Jeremiah Duggan should be opened. He declared that this clearly was a case where the British Criminal Police dealing with Murder and Manslaughter should receive the files and investigate.
This second Inquest follows a flawed first Inquest and is a result of a seven year battle of the Duggan family to get an investigation into the sudden death of their only son the twenty two year old Jeremiah in March 2003.
In December 2009 The Attorney General of Britain wrote a personal letter to Erica Duggan apologising for the failures of the administration and stating that in the interest of Justice a fresh Inquest should be heard.
In Germany the case was closed early on the grounds that there was no third party involved as it was suicide and this justified the reason not to do a full investigation. In the recent documentary the Wiesbaden Prosecutor Hartmut Ferse stated that the circumstances were of no interest to them as his actual death was caused by the cars. It is not of interest to this Prosecutor whether or not Jeremiah was hunted down, held captive or subjected to terrorization.
This view that as Jeremiah was hit by cars there was no need to investigate was upheld by the Highest Court in Germany.
Article 2 protects Human Life and is the most fundamental right of the European Convention and carries with it the obligation for the State to investigate fully a sudden and unnatural death. It is thought that there has never been a case brought against Germany for an article 2 violation.
Article 2 the preservation of Human Life has special significance for Germany in view of what happened with the mass murders in the holocaust and the way millions of human lives were lost and the law did not protect them nor did it mean that any of those violent deaths were investigated at the time. The European Convention enshrined this right to protect life as the basis upon which all other rights are based .
Germany stands now accused of an article 2 violation and in the background a dangerous anti-Semitic Organization documented as having its European headquaters in Wiesbaden. It is from this base the EIR ( EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW) associated with the convicted Fraudster Lyndon LaRouche and from its Printing Press Dinges and Frick that anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are spread worldwide.
Evidence can be supplied to show how State Departtments including the German Federal Police use the LaRouche Printing Press that is run by long established members of the LaRouche network. The German State Police established to protect their Constitution have never monitored the LaRouche Organization.
The LaRouche Organization deny involement in the death of Jeremiah. A witness statement exists to throw doubt on where Jeremiah was shortly before his death and suggest that he was in the offices of the EIR offices shortly before his body was found on the High Way.